Monday, January 16, 2006

What Masonry has done for me.

Freemasonry has changed my life. It has given the tools to make me a better man. To interact with mankind by always squaring my actions. The most often used tool that I have been given is the square. It has made me stop and think about the situation and what can I do to interject Faith, Hope, Charity...Brotherly love Relief and Truth into every action. I am beging to see the secrets of Masonry. I have been looking deep into my life and what Masonry offers me. Masonry os a perfect fit at this point in my life. I strongly believe in God, but I also believe that God has given us hundreds of roads by which to reach him. As the bible states our God is an all loving God a compassionate caring and forgiving god . I was brought through school in a Baptist private school. So I am very well red on the bible. I just cannot bring myself to believe that God is vengeful, retaliatory and secretive. I think of my Baptist upbringing and all of its teachings. Here goes, Catholics are going to Hell, Muslims Hell, Buddhists Hell, every religion on earth different than the Baptist/Episcopalian teachings are wrong(by their teachings). Here is what I find wrong. Let me paint a picture for you please consider and let this sink in.

A boy is born in the eastern hemisphere to Buddhist parents. The boy is brought up in the religion that his parents practice. This boy makes a choice at age 11 to join the monastery and devote his life to religion, prayer and meditation. Years pass the boy is a man. He is true and honest to his faith and his god. His life is a devotion to this god serving in the monastery. The man now grows weak. Death the great equalizer of all men encompasses him and takes him away.

A boy similar to above is in the western hemisphere. His parents are Baptist. He is raised in their faith. He becomes more and more interested. He goes to college and becomes a pastor. He is a great pastor. He inspires his congregation, he loves his god and the work he toils in for His name. This man like the previous grows old. And Death leaves him to dust.

Here is where I have a problem. Remember I mentioned above that about God being a loving all caring compassionate forgiving God? That is if your not Baptist. Explanation...Under the Baptist interpretation the monk will go to Hell the pastor will go to heaven. Now lets see...We have two men who devoted their whole lives to the service of their god. But Baptist will tell you that the monk goes to Hell. I Just cannont see God being that vengeful hateful non-loving to take a man who has devoted his life to prayer good works and god and say to him "I'M SORRY BUT YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN CHRISTIANITY SPECIFICALLY BAPTIST, SO THEREFORE SINCE YOU MADE A BAD DECISION I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO CAST YOU INTO THE BOWLS OF HELL TO LET YOU CONTEMPLATE YOUR EVIL AND NON-CONFORMING LIFE"

Tell me what's wrong here people.
This is why I love Masonry. I can get together with any denomination any faith and have a intelligent informed conversation with another man. No brimstone just humanity at its best.

1 comment:

John W. Ratcliff said...

Congratulations Brother!!